Herramientas de SC: Extracción eficiente de información de tablas para vendedores de Amazon
SC Tools is a free extension developed by shujo for sellers on Amazon's Seller Central website. This Chrome add-on aims to streamline the process of extracting and copying table information from specific pages, saving sellers valuable time.
With SC Tools, sellers can effortlessly extract data from supported pages such as FBA Shipment Contents, Manage Inventory, and Voice of the Customer. Upon navigating to one of these pages, simply click on the extension to activate it. If the Seller Central page is supported, an "Extract and copy" button will appear.
To extract the data with an Excel file, click on the "Extract" button. Alternatively, if you prefer to directly copy the data, you can click on the "Copy to Clipboard" button and paste it into an Excel spreadsheet.
SC Tools is just the beginning, as the developer shujo plans to create more tools in the future to further enhance the selling experience on Amazon.
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